・澤田一葉、柳澤秀吉、加藤健郎:規則性認識が美的評価に与える影響 ― 無意味図形を用いた自由エネルギーモデルの検証 ―,日本感性工学会論文誌,, Vol.24, No.1, pp.37-49, 2025
・Fuka Kajitani, Takeo Kato and Akinari Hirao: Prediction of Lower Leg Swelling in the Driving Posture, Applied Sciences, Vol.14, Issue 24, 11788 (14 pages), 2024
・Ren Hayakawa, Ryogo Noji and Takeo Kato: Generating Tyre Tread Designs Using a Sensory Evaluation Regression Model and a Generative Model, Journal of Engineering Design, Vol.36, Issue1, pp.19-51 (34pages)
・Daniel Horst, Jumpei Hayashi, Takeo Kato and Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Investigating Crossmodal Correspondences Between Vibrotactile Stimuli and Colors, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.23, No.2, pp.125-142, 2024
・Takahiro Shimizu, Masaya Okamoto, Yuto Ieda and Takeo Kato: Index for Quantifying ‘Order’ in Three-Dimensional Shapes, Symmetry, Vol.16, Issue.4, pp.381 (33pages), 2024
・Jumpei Hayashi, Takeo Kato and Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Complexity Mediated Cross-modal Correspondence between Tone Sequences and Shapes, International Journal of Affective Engineering, Vol.23, No.2, pp.95-107, 2024
・Masaki Shimomura, Gento Oba, Yuma Sakae, Naoto Kokado, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: AI-Based Texture Design System Based on AGE Thinking Model, Journal of the Science of Design ,Vol.8, No.1, pp.31-40, 2024
・Hiromasa Sasaki, Takeo Kato and Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Quantification of “Novelty” Based on Free-energy Principle and Its Application for “Aesthetic Liking” for Industrial Products, Research in Engineering Design, Vol.35, pp.21-41, 2024
・Haruki Morioka, Haruki Ozawa and Takeo Kato: Physiological Study of Visual and Non-Visual Effects of Light Exposure, Applied Sciences, Vol.13, Issue 9, 5785 (16pages), 2023
・Masaki Shimomura, Gento Oba, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Trial of an AI-assisted Idea Support System That Uses Text and Images to Facilitate Idea Generation, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.7, No.2, pp.31-38, 2023
・Tokihiko Shimura, Shun Sato, Taizo Tominaga, Shuma Abe, Kaoru Yamashita, Minoru Ashizawa, Takeo Kato, Hiroki Ishikuro and Naoji Matsuhisa: A High-Resolution, Transparent, and Stretchable Polymer Conductor for Wearable Sensor Arrays, Advanced Materials Technologies, 2201992 (8pages), 2023
・Kazuma Matsuyama, Takahiro Shimizu and Takeo Kato: Systematic Classification of Curvature and Feature Descriptor of 3D Shape and Its Application to “Complexity” Quantification Methods, Entropy, Vol.25, Issue4, pp.624 (24pages), 2023
・Hideyoshi Yanagisawa, Xiaoxiang Wu, Kazutaka Ueda and Takeo Kato: Free energy model of emotional valence in dual-process perceptions, Neural Networks, Vol.157, pp.422-436, 2023
・Gen Umeno, Motoaki Hayama, Shogo Takesue, Tsubasa Tomita, Takeo Kato, Yoshitaka Misaka and Jun Komotori: Development of AIH-FPP Carburizing Process Using Carbon Powder, Materials Transactions, Vol.64, No.2, pp.617-625, 2023
・Takeo Kato, Mitsunori Wada and Yasuhide Kishitani: Keyword Generation System Based on Design Model and Co-occurrence Word Learning, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.7, No.1, pp.11-18, 2023
・Shimon Honda, Hideyoshi Yanagisawa and Takeo Kato: Aesthetic shape generation system based on novelty and complexity, Journal of Engineering Design, 1–20, 2022 (Published online)
・梅野玄、羽山元晶、武末翔吾、富田翼、加藤健郎、三阪佳孝、小茂鳥潤: 炭素粉末を用いた AIH-FPP 浸炭プロセスの開発, 材料, Vol.71, No.9, pp.787-794, 2022
・Takeo Kato, Hirotaka Nakatani and Yusuke Ashizawa: Brain Activation During Sketch Task for Design Idea Generation Measured By NIRS, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.5, No.1, pp.1-8, 2021
・Takeo Kato and Taishi Matsumoto: Morphological Evaluation of Closed Planar Curves and Its Application to Aesthetic Evaluation, Graphical Models, Vol.109, 101064 (9 pages), 2020
・Yuma Sakae, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Exploring Research Themes of Design Research Based on Multispace Design Model -Analyzing Design Studies and Journal of Engineering Design (2006-2015), Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.4, No.1 ,pp.29-38, 2020
・Daisuke Iseki, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Approaches for Improving M Method Based on Requirements for Idea Generation Methods, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.4, No.1, pp.39-48, 2020
・Daisuke Iseki, Shota Amabe, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Proposition of M Method System, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 55-61, 2019
・Taishi Matsumoto, Koichiro Sato, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka and Takeo Kato: Quantification of “Complexity” in Curved Surface Shape Using Total Absolute Curvature, Computers & Graphics, Vol.78, pp. 108-115, 2019
・Masatoshi Muramatsu and Takeo Kato: Selection Guide of Multi-Objective Optimization for Ergonomic Design, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Vol.17, Issue1, pp.2-24, 2019
・Satoru Furugori, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Automotive Safety Control System Based on Timeaxis Design, Mobility & Vehicle Mechanics, Vol.44, No.3, pp.43-52, 2018
・Takeo Kato, Shogo Otagiri, Yusuke Nagamori and Yuuichi Izu: Comparison of Brain Activities Between Hand and Computer Drawings in Finke’s Pattern Generation Task, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.2, No.2, pp.43-52, 2018
・Yuma Sakae, Shota Mukai, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Comparative Analysis of Research for Design and Engineering Design from Viewpoint of Multispace Design Model -The Case of Bulletin of JSSD and Transactions of the JSME-, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.2, No.2, pp.15-24, 2018
・Mikako Shannon Arita, Takeo Kato, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Development of Basic Architecture for Health Monitoring Seat System, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.1, No.2, pp.71-80, 2018
・伊豆裕一、加藤健郎、佐藤浩一郎、松岡由幸: デッサンとスケッチの描画スキルと描画過程の関係、デザイン学研究、Vol.64, No.2, pp.55-64, 2017
・Kengo Yoshinaga, Takeo Kato and Yoshihiro Kai: Clustering Method of Design Structure Matrix for Trade-off Relationships, Journal of the Science of Design, Vol.1, No.1, pp.77-86, 2017
・Yuichi Izu, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Consideration of Role of Sketching Based on the Multispace Design Model, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.62, No.5 pp.89-96, 2016
・Takeo Kato and Satoshi Katsumata: Human Design Technology Using Quality Function Deployment and Its Application, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.62, No.5, pp.31-40, 2016
・加藤健郎、正木宏樹、石川洋平、田中直人、佐藤浩一郎、松岡由幸:熟練設計者が有する形状設計ノウハウの抽出と分類、設計工学、Vol.51, No.4, pp.231-245, 2016
・加藤健郎、小山拓海、勝又隆介:車椅子の背もたれ中折れ機構における設計指針の提案、設計工学、Vol.51, No.3, pp.167-180, 2016
・加藤健郎、落合成行、甲斐義弘、畔津昭彦:カリキュラム分析に基づくプロジェクト型科目の提案、設計工学、Vol.50, No.12, pp.625-630, 2015
・加藤健郎、小山拓海、井上貴朝:オフィスチェアにおける着座姿勢および体圧分布の分類とその座り心地評価、デザイン学研究、Vol.61, No.6, pp.1-8, 2015
・北村武士、山南大輔、椙山賢人、菊池真史、加藤健郎、佐藤浩一郎、松岡由幸:多様場に対応するシート中折れ機構のロバスト設計、設計工学、Vol.50, No.2, pp.89-97, 2015
・Saori Sone and Takeo Kato: Optimization of Cushion and Back Angles for Lower Limb Blood Flow and Its Verification Experiment,Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.61, No.3, pp.97-104,2014
・Takeo Kato, Souhei Noguchi, Kengo Yoshinaga and Yoji Hoshino: Multispace Quality Function Deployment for Modularization,Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.61, No.3, pp.77-86, 2014
・加藤健郎、竹内将、大辻源太郎:機械設計教育に関する文献調査に基づく設計に要する能力・知識のモデル化,設計工学、Vol.49, No.10, pp.528-534, 2014
・Takeo Kato, Shigehiro Horiuchi, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Multispace Quality Function Deployment Using Interpretive Structural Modeling,Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.61, No.1, pp.57-66, 2014
・伊豆裕一、佐藤浩一郎、加藤健郎、松岡由幸:キーワード抽出におけるスケッチスキルの効果分析,デザイン学研究、Vol.60, No.6, pp.79-88, 2014
・伊豆裕一、佐藤浩一郎、加藤健郎、松岡由幸:スケッチスキルの構造モデルによるラフスケッチとアイディアスケッチ、デザイン学研究、Vol.60, No.6, pp.71-78, 2014
・Takeo Kato and Masatoshi Muramatsu: Robust Design Method for Adjustable Mechanisms, Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation, Vol.4, No.1, pp.16-24, 2014
・Takeo Kato, Masatoshi Muramatsu, Suguru Kimura and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Robust Design Method Using Adjustable Control Factors,International Journal of Automation Technology Vol.8, No.3, pp.333-343, 2014
・Takeshi Kitamura, Takeo Kato, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Optimization of Public Seat Functions to Assure a Comfortable Sitting Posture in Diverse Conditions,Global Journal of Research in Engineering Vol.13(No.8-A)pp.9-17, 2013
・伊豆裕一、佐藤浩一郎、加藤健郎、松岡由幸:スケッチスキルの構造モデルを用いたデザイナーのスケッチ分析-デザインの発想過程における表示技法の役割とその効果に関する研究(2)、デザイン学研究、Vol.60, No.4, pp.61-68, 2013
・Takeo Kato, Shigehiro Horiuchi, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Quality Function Deployment Based on the Multispace Design Model, Bulletin of Japanese Society for the Science of Design, Vol.60, No.1, pp.77-86, 2013
・Takeshi Kitamura, Takeo Kato, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Physiological Analysis for Universal Design of Public Seat Under Diverse Conditions, Journal of Literature and Art Studies, Vol.3, No.2, pp.125-136, 2013
・木村優、加藤健郎、松岡由幸:最適可変域導出のための可変制御因子を用いたロバスト設計法、設計工学、Vol.48, No.1, pp.24-32, 2013
・伊豆裕一、佐藤浩一郎、加藤健郎、氏家良樹、松岡由幸:プロダクトデザインにおけるスケッチスキルの構造モデル、デザイン学研究、Vol.59, No.4, pp.61-70, 2012
・Yoshiki Ujiie, Takeo Kato, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Curvature Entropy for Curved Profile Generation, Entropy, Vol.14(3), pp.533-558, 2012
・Takeo Kato, Yoshiki Ujiie and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Proposal of Robustness Indices for an Objective Characteristic with Non-normal Distribution, Journal of Japan Society for Design Engineering, Vol.47, No.2, pp.104-111, 2012
・加藤健郎、渡井惇喜、松岡由幸:複数の可変制御因子に対応するロバスト設計法、設計工学、Vol.46, No.6, pp.346-354, 2011
・加藤健郎、中塚慧、松岡由幸:可変域を有する制御因子に対応するロバスト設計法の提案、設計工学、Vol.46, No.3, pp.149-156, 2011
・加藤健郎、氏家良樹、松岡由幸:非正規分布型目標特性に対応するロバスト性評価測度の提案、設計工学、Vol.42, No.6, pp.333-340, 2007
・Aika Yukimoto, Jumpei Hayashi, Takeo Kato and Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Crossmodal Correspondences Between Taste and Vision Regarding Complexity of Shape, International Conference on Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research (KEER2024), 2024
・Daniel Horst, Asuka Hirata, Hayato Uchida and Takeo Kato: Investigating the Impact of Vibrotactile and Color Visual Stimuli on Human Mental Stress Responses after Shock Scenarios, 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2024), 2024
・Fuka Kajitani, Takeo Kato and Akinari Hirao: Construction of Prediction Equations for Lower Leg Swelling in the Driving Posture, 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2024), 2024
・Rina Morohashi, Hayato Uchida, Takeo Kato, Hidekazu Nishimura and Masako Toriya: Proposal for Fatigue Status Presentation to Enhance Communication in Offices, 22nd Triennial Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA2024), 2024
・Kei Matsuoka, Yuki Kida, Takeo Kato and Tetsuro Ogi: Multilingual Communication Robot Using Language Detection System, 20th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2024), 2024
・Akinari Hirao, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Numerical Approach of Time-axis Design Method – Validation through an
Application for Chair Design, 20th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2024), 2024
・Shotaro Oyama and Takeo Kato: Proposal of A Preference Set-Based Design Method for Qualitative Evaluation, 20th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2024), 2024
・Ren Hayakawa, Yuki Shimizu, Takeo Kato, Yasuji Fukasawa and Aichi Inoue: Quantification of Aesthetic Preferences Using Image Features of Videos, 20th International Conference on Machine Design and Production (UMTIK 2024), 2024
・Kentaro Maeta, Takeo Kato and Kazutaka Ueda: Effects of visual analogy in design task on brain functional connectivity related to creative thinking, 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024), 2024
・Jan Daniel Horst, Takeo Kato and Jumpei Hayashi: Investigation of crossmodal correspondence between visual vibratory stimuli and color choice, 15th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2024), 2024
・Jumpei Hayashi, Takeo Kato and Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Cross-Modal Correspondence between Sound Pitch and Shape Controlled by Shape Feature Indices, 2023 IEEE International Conference on SMC (Systems, Man, and Cybernetics), 2023
・Fuka Kajitani, Takeo Kato and Akinari Hirao:Prediction Equations for Lower Leg Swelling in driving posture, the 4th International Comfort Congress, 2023
・Hayato Uchida, Fuka Kajitani, Takeo Kato, Hidekazu Nishimura and Akinari Hirao: Development of sitting behaviour modification system using an infrared depth camera, the 4th International Comfort Congress, 2023
・Akinari Hirao, Hayato Uchida and Takeo Kato: Analysis of musculoskeletal loads during prolonged sitting in the desk work, DHM 2023 (8th International Digital Human Modeling Symposium), 2023
・Takeo Kato, Ryogo Noji and Kiyotaka Takaira: Keyword Generation System based on Design thinking Model, UMTIK2022 (19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production), 2022
・Kazuma Matsuyama, Takahiro Shimizu and Takeo Kato: Systematic Classification of 3D Shape Analysis Methods using Curvature and Quantiıcation of “Complexity”, UMTIK2022 (19th International Conference on Machine Design and Production), 2022
・Jumpei Hayashi, Hiromasa Sasaki and Takeo Kato: Cross-modal effect between taste and shape controlled by curvature entropy, KEER2022 (Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research), 2022
・Hiromasa Sasaki, Takeo Kato and Hideyoshi Yanagisawa: Novelty index for curved surface using KL divergence and its effectiveness on industrial product, KEER2022 (Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research), 2022
・Takemasa Ito, Akihiro Okano and Takeo Kato: Aesthetic Preference in Closed Planar Curves by Introducing EVE’ Theory, iDECON/MS2021 (International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference) / (
Manufacturing Systems Conference), 2021
・Masaya Okamoto and Takeo Kato: Shape Generation System Based on Three-dimensional Classification Method, The 5th ICDES (International Conference on Design Engineering and Science), 2020
・Akihiro Okano, Taishi Matumoto and Takeo Kato: Quantification of “Complexity” in Curved Surface Shape Using Gaussian Curvature Entropy, The 5th ICDES (International Conference on Design Engineering and Science), 2020
・Takeo Kato, Mitsunori Wada and Yasuhide Kishitani: Design Keyword Generation Method Based on Word2vec and Multispace Design Model, The 8th International Conference on KEER (Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research), 2020
・Akihiro Okano, Taishi Matumoto and Takeo Kato: Curved Surface Shape Generation Method Based on “Complexity” Index, IEEE International Conference on SMC (Systems, Man and Cybernetics), 2019
・Akihiro Okano, Taishi Matumoto and Takeo Kato: Curved Surface Shape Generation Method Based on “Complexity” Index, JSME iDECON (International Conference on Design and Concurrent Engineering), 2019
・Takeo Kato, Jio Koike and Yusuke Ashizawa: Brain Activities of Idea Generation Types Using Sketch, IASDR (International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference), 2019
・Takeo Kato: Quantification of Order in 2D Shapes, The 13th International Conference on Design Principles & Practices (Poster/Exhibit Session), 2019
・Satoru Furugori, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Timeaxis Design of Driving State Learning System Using Non-Steady Model, 2018 Joint 10th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems and 19th International Symposium on Advanced Intelligent Systems (2pages pp.1426-1427), 2018
・Takeo Kato, Hikaru Okada and Yuichi Izu: Measurment of Brain Activities of Idea Generation (Sketch), DESIGN 2018 – The 15th International Design Conference- Published by USB (8pages pp.2027-2034), 2018
・Tatsuki Itomi, Mitsuhiro Wada, Tetsuya Ishinari and Takeo Kato: Set-Based Design Method Using Vector Evaluated Particle Swarm Optimization, ICDES 2017 The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Published by USB (6pages), 2017
・Satoru Furugori, Keisuke Toda, Soichiro Hatano, Takeo Kato, Hidekazu Nishimura and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: A Conceptual Design for a Value Growth Mobility System Based on Timeaxis Design, ICDES 2017 The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Published by USB (3pages), 2017
・Kazuaki Ueshima, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Stakeholder Value Prioritization Method for Quality Function Deployment, ICDES 2017 The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Published by USB (4pages), 2017
・Takeo Kato, Hikaru Okada and Yuichi Izu: Brain Activities of Idea Generation Using Sketches, ICDES 2017 The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Published by USB (3pages) , 2017
・Daisuke Iseki, Yuki Yasumoto, Shota Amabe, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Proposition of M Method System, ICDES 2017 The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Published by USB (2pages), 2017
・Taishi Matsumoto, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Quantitative Representation Method of Complexity on Three Dimentional Shape, ICDES 2017 The 4th International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Published by USB (3pages), 2017
・Kengo Yoshinaga, Takeo Kato and Yoshihiro Kai: Clustering Method of Design Structure Matrix Based on Trade-off Relationships between Product Components, MJJIC 2016 MALAYSIA-JAPAN JOINT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE (MJIIC 2016), 2016
・Yuichi Izu, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka:Comparison of Drawing Skills between Still Life Drawing and Design Sketching, KEER 2016 6th International Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Conference (Accepted), 2016
・Takeo Kato, Shogo Otagiri, Yusuke Nagamori and Yuichi Izu: Comparison of Hand and Computer Drawings Using Near-infrared Spectroscopy, KEER 2016 6th International Kansei Engineering and Emotion Research Conference (Accepted), 2016
・Yuma Sakae, Takeo Kato, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Classification of Design Methods from the Viewpoint of Design Science, Design 2016 14th International Design Conference Published by USB(pp.493-502), 2016
・Masatoshi Muramatsu, Tetsuya Ishinari and Takeo Kato: Set-Based Design Method Using Vector Evaluated Particle Swarm Optimization, iDECON 2015 International Design and Concurrent Engineering Conference 2015 Published by USB (9pages),2015
・Takeo Kato, Shigehiro Horiuchi, Toshiharu Miwa and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Quality Function Deployment Using Multispace Design Model and Its Application, ICED 2015 International Conference on Engineering Design 2015 Published by USB (vol.5, 10pages), 2015
・Masatoshi Muramatsu and Takeo Kato: Multi-Objective Ergonomic Design method for Engineering and Physiological characteristics, MJIIS 2014 MJIIT– JUC Joint International Symposium Published by USB (4pages), 2014
・Saori Sone, Daisuke Sannan, Takeo Kato, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka and Hiromu Hashimoto: Optimization of Cushion and Back Angles for Lower Limb Blood Flow,ICDES 2014 The 3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (vol.2, pp.123-128),2014
・Masatoshi Muramatsu, Keigo Yamamoto and Takeo Kato: Robust Multiple Optimization for Adjustable Mechanisms,ICDES 2014 The 3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (vol.1, pp.162-167), 2014
・Takeo Kato, Gentaro Otsuji and Masaru Takeuchi: Modeling of Relationships between Abilities, Skills, and Knowledge for Mechanical Designers and Its Application to University Curriculum, ICDES 2014 The 3rd International Conference on Design Engineering and Science (vol.1, pp.162-167), 2014
・Takeo Kato, Takashi Soga and Yoji Hoshino: Multispace Quality Function Deployment Using Design Structure Matrix, UMTIK 2014 International Conference on Machine Design and Production Published by CD-ROM (13pages), 2014
・Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Quality Function Deployment Using Improved Interpretive Structural Modeling,HCI 2014 16th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction Published by CD-ROM (12pages), 2014
・Saori Sone, Daisuke Sannan, Takeo Kato, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka and Hiromu Hashimoto: Derivation of Optimal Values in Cushion and Back Angles for Lower Limb Blood Flow,MJIIS 2013 MJIIT – JUC Joint International Symposium Published by CD-ROM (4pages),2013
・Shuji Takano, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato, and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Comparative Analysis of Thinking Process Between Designer and Engineer Based on Case Application of Multispace Design Method,ACE 2013 The Asian Conference on Education 2013 (pp.992-1003), 2013
・Yuichi Izu, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Application of Designers’ Sketching Skills in Design Education,ACE 2013 The Asian Conference on Education 2013 (pp.576-585),2013
・Takeo Kato: Quality Function Deployment Applying Structural Model,AMRE 2013 International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Robotics Engineering (pp.31-36), 2013
・Saori Sone, Daisuke Sannan, Takeo Kato, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka and Hiromu Hashimoto: Basic Study on Optimization of Seat Angles for Lower Limb Blood Flow,AMRE 2013 International Conference on Advances in Mechanical and Robotics Engineering (pp.17-20), 2013
・Takeo Kato, Koichiro Sato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Robust Optimization of Adjustable Control Factors Using Particle Swarm Optimization,ECAL 2013 12th European Conference on Artificial Life pp.758-764,2013
・Yuichi Izu, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Structural Model of Sketching Skills and Analysis of Designers’ Sketches,IASDR2013 International Association of Societies of Design Research 2013 Published by USB flash memory (pp.1733-1742), 2013
・Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Proposal of Quality Function Deployment Based on Multispace Design Model and Its Application,ICoRD 13 International Conference on Research into Design Published by CD-ROM (11pages), 2013
・Suguru Kimura, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Robust Design Method Using Adjustable Control Factors,ACDDE2012 Asian Conference on Design and Digital engineering 2012 Published by CD-ROM (9pages), 2012
・Yuichi Izu, Koichiro Sato, Takeo Kato, Yoshiki Ujiie, Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Structural Model of Sketching Skills for Design Education,ACE2012 The Asian Conference on Education 2012 Published by CD-ROM (pp.368-385), 2012
・Takeo Kato, Shigehiro Horiuchi and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Quality Function Deployment Based on Multispace Design Model and Interpretive Structural Modeling,UMTIK 2012 International Conference on Machine Design and Production Published by CD-ROM (13pages), 2012
・Takeo Kato, Suguru Kimura and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Mathematical Consideration on a Robustness Index for Adjustable Control Factors, The 2011 International Conference on Materials and Products Manufacturing Technology Published by CD-ROM (4pages),2011
・Suguru Kimura, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: A Proposal of Robust Design Method for Deriving Adjustable Range, The 2011 International Conference on Advanced Design and Manufacturing Engineering Published by CD-ROM (4pages),2011
・Takeo Kato, Atsuki Watai, Yoshiki Ujiie and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Robust Design Method for Objective Characteristics with Nonnormal Distributions and Control Factors with Adjustable Range, UMTIK 2010 International Conference on Machine Design and Production Published by CD-ROM (15pages), 2010
・Atsuki Watai, Takeo Kato and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Proposal of Robust Design Method for Diverse Conditions in Consideration of Cost, International Association of Societies of Design Research 2009 Published by CD-ROM (8pages), 2009
・Takeo Kato, Atsuki Watai, Yoshiki Ujiie and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Robust Design Methods for Universal Design, International Association of Societies of Design Research 2009 Published by CD-ROM (10pages), 2009
・Atsuki Watai, Satoshi Nakatsuka, Takeo Kato, Yoshiki Ujiie and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Robust Design Method for Diverse Conditions, 2009 ASME International Design Engineering Technical Conference & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference Published by CD-ROM (8pages), 2009
・Satoshi Nakatsuka, Takeo Kato, Yoshiki Ujiie and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: A Proposal of Robust Design Method Using the New Evaluation Indexes, 9th Cairo University International Conference on Mechanical Design and Production Published by CD-ROM (10pages), 2008
・Satoshi Nakatsuka, Takeo Kato, Yoshiki Ujiie and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: A Proposal of Robust Design Method Applicable to Diverse Design Problems, International Association of Societies of Design Research 2007 Published by CD-ROM (12pages), 2007
・Takeo Kato, Tetsuo Ikeyama and Yoshiyuki Matsuoka: Basic Study on Classification Scheme for Robust Design Methods, The 1st International Conference on Design Engineering and Science Proceedings of The 1st International Conference on Design Engineering and Science, pp.37-42, 2005
・技術情報協会編 加藤健郎 ほか:自然言語処理の導入と活用事例 ~デザインにおける発想支援のための自然言語処理の活用~, 技術情報協会, 2024
書名:自然言語処理の導入と活用事例 ~デザインにおける発想支援のための自然言語処理の活用~
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書名:M method – 多空間のデザイン思考 Design Thinking on Multispace –
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